Residence Permit Procedures

Residence Permit Procedures

Based on the protocol established between the Higher Education Council (YÖK) and the Directorate General of Migration Management of the Ministry of Interior on November 29, 2023, the following are the important points that international students studying at our universities should pay attention to when applying for a residence permit:

For the initial application, extension, and transition application for the "Student Residence Permit":

  • Students must apply for a residence permit through the e-residence system available on the institutional website of the Directorate General of Migration Management at After applying through the e-residence system, they must submit the "Residence Permit Registration/Application Form" obtained from the system along with all the required documents listed below to the "International Student Coordination Office" of our university within 10 (ten) days from the date of the online residence permit application, without waiting for the appointment date.

Residence Permit Application Documents:

  1. Residence Permit Registration/Application Form (signed by the student)
  2. Original and photocopy of the passport (photocopies of the first page, visa page, and entry-exit pages). The original will be seen and the photocopy will be stamped "original seen." Photocopies should be from the original; photo printouts are not accepted.
  3. Document showing student status (barcode document obtained from e-government, must be active and up-to-date)
  4. Four biometric photos (taken within the last 6 months, without glasses, and with a white background)
  5. Valid health insurance (General Health Insurance or private health insurance covering the residence permit request period). According to Law No. 5510 on Social Insurance and General Health Insurance, general health insurance must be obtained within 3 months from the first registration date; otherwise, private health insurance must be obtained.
  6. Document showing the address of residence;
    • If staying at their own house, a photocopy of the deed, a utility bill (electricity, water, or gas) in their name, or a contract (a residence certificate is sufficient for extension applications)
    • For first-time applicants; a notarized copy of the rental contract and a photocopy of the landlord's deed
    • For extension applications; if staying with a rental contract, a notarized copy of the rental contract, a photocopy of the landlord's deed, and a utility bill in their name
    • If staying in a hotel or similar accommodation, a document proving the stay
    • If staying in student dormitories, a document proving the stay in the dormitory, and for private dormitories, the SGK entry declaration of the dormitory official
    • For first-time applicants staying with a sponsor, a notarized commitment from the sponsor (if the sponsor is married, a notarized commitment from the spouse is also required). If the student has a foreign ID number, they must go to the Migration Directorate, register their address, and submit the document obtained from there.
    • Address documents obtained from the local headman's office are also accepted.
  7. Receipt of payment of the residence permit document fee (students studying at TÖMER are given a short-term residence permit for the duration of the course. They must pay the residence fee for the duration specified in the student document obtained from TÖMER).
  8. For foreigners under 18; for those who come with visa exemption or for different purposes; a document containing the information of the parent/guardian (birth certificate, family certificate, etc.) and a consent letter given by the parent/guardian/legal representative. (For those who come with an appropriate visa (TÖMER visa, student visa), the consent letter and the document containing the information of the parent/guardian will not be added).
  9. For those who have previously obtained a residence permit and will apply for an extension, the UETS Information Form indicating that the PTT UETS (National Electronic Notification System) has been opened (it can be opened personally through e-government or PTT branches).

Important Points to Note:

  • The residence application must be made in person. (In compulsory situations and if the person is in Turkey, it can only be made by an attorney through a power of attorney).
  • The photocopies of the requested documents should be clear and not dark or blurry. (Photo printouts of photocopies are not accepted).
  • Missing documents must be submitted to the "International Student Coordination Office" of our university within 30 (thirty) days from the notification date.
  • Fingerprint processing will be carried out by the Migration Directorate, and students will be additionally informed about the method to be followed by the "International Student Coordination Office."
  • First-time applicants (those who have never obtained a residence permit before) must go to the Provincial Migration Directorate for fingerprinting within 30 days, starting from 15 days after submitting their documents to the International Student Coordination Office.
  • International students may be invited to the Migration Directorate during the residence permit evaluation process, if necessary, under Article 97 of Law No. 6458.
  • If you are applying for a residence permit for the first time, you must apply within the visa or visa exemption period. Otherwise, your application will not be accepted.
  • Additionally, you can apply for an "Extension Application" through the e-residence system starting from 2 months before the expiration of your previously obtained residence permit, and in any case, before the expiration of your residence permit period.
  • If you change your study status within the same city, you must notify the Provincial Migration Directorate within 20 business days following this change. (In case of changing faculty or department within the same city or registering at a different university within the same city)
  • If you continue your higher education in a different city, you must make this change within 10 business days by making an appointment with the Provincial Migration Directorate in the new city where your university is located and submit it to the International Student Coordination Office of your university. (You must also notify the Provincial Migration Directorate of the city you are leaving with a petition).
  • If there are changes in your personal information (e.g., marital status, address, passport, or similar situations), you must notify the Provincial Migration Directorate where you are registered within 20 days of this change.
  • The residence permit document (card) indicates the expiration date of the residence permit period. If you continue to stay in our country after this period, you must renew your residence permit before the expiration of the residence permit period.
  • Students who do not have their foreign ID number on their residence permit document in the "Student Automation System" must update their foreign ID numbers from the student affairs of their registered units.
  • For all your questions and problems, you can call YIMER/157 (Foreigners Communication Center) free of charge or contact the International Student Coordination Office of our university.


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